Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tompkins, Chapter 3 - Writing Strategies and Skills

The comparision of capable and novice writers on page 56 of the textbook let me know an important clue for writing instruction: The most significant defference between the capable and novice writers depends on their strategies use.
Tompkins states " The position in this book is that teachers have the responsibility to teach children how to write, and part of that responsibilty is teaching children the strategies and skills that capable writers use. Although it is true that children learn many things inductively through meaningful literacy ecperiences, instruction is important." (Tompkins, 2008) I agree to this opinion. Most of people can just write. But there is a gap between being able to just write and knowing how to organize some information or ideas, put them together, and revise it wee and efficiently. They are totally different. So teachers should help students learn the processes, strategies, and skills for writing instruction.

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