Saturday, November 20, 2010

Problem-Solution Essay : Falling Down of Teachers' Educational Authority

Falling Down of Teachers' Educational Authority

In these days, the teachers' educational authority has been falling down more and more. It is the most serious social problems in Korean society. Students tend to ignore their teachers’ instructions and they don’t obey teachers’ orders. Sometimes they behave violently in front of their teachers. Even though they think those their behaviors are bad, they don’t consider them as serious problems. So we as teachers need to figure out the reasons of the serious social problem, the effects of the problem and what should be done to solve the problem.

First of all we need to find out the reasons of the problem. There are many reasons of the problem. First, it’s because of students’ wrong belief. Some students think it’s brave to behave violently to their teachers. Students who are in adolescence tend to behave in defiance to their teachers characteristically. Even though they think they shouldn’t defy their teachers, they do care their peers’ eyes. And they can be a hero once they behave violently to their teachers. It’s quite wrong and dangerous illusion.

The second reason is the failure in home education in tow-income family. There have been increasing the number of the two- income family in Korea. So parents don’t have much time do home education. So students tend to be selfish and don’t have enough chances to learn basic etiquette and morality.

The last and most important cause of the problem is ordinance on the prohibition of physical punishment enacted by Geonggi-Province in Korea. The effect of the ordinance has been massive. And there has been a fierce debate on it. Teachers don’t have any proper alternative ways to control the students who don’t follow and ignore teachers’ instructions. Rather, it seems Korean society doesn’t care the teachers’ educational authority comparing with the past. There was an article after the ordinance was enacted. Many students say to their teachers “You should know that you can not punish us. It’s the new ordinance. You should follow the ordinance.”

And then what are the effects of the problem? First, loosening in controlling students for teachers are the natural consequence. And even worse, the collapse of public education system is the natural one too.

Second, teachers’ morale on their job can decline. And it can have bad effects on their classes. Eventually the final victim of the problem can be the students.
And lastly, the most and serious effect is to violate other students’ learning rights. If some students ignore their teachers’ instructions, the class must be failed. And then the rest of the students lose their rights to learn for the class.

Then what should be done to solve the problem? We as teachers should find the proper solutions.First, students need to modify their mindsets. They need to realize that the respect to their teachers is the most basic etiquette in education. So schools and parents need to expand the education on basic etiquette and morality than now.

And the most important and basic solution for this problem is abolition on the prohibition of physical punishment. In my opinion, moderate physical punishment is needed in education. Of course the severe and indiscreet physical punishment has very bad effects on controlling students. But most of teachers are reasonable people who can control themselves with their rationality. The most serious problem of the ordinance on the prohibition of physical punishment enacted by Geonggi-province is that they haven’t suggested proper alternatives of the physical punishment to control students yet.

Not only teachers but also other members of Korean society should realize seriousness of the problem of falling down teachers’ educational authority, and try to make efforts to solve the problem because the future of Korea depends on our students and education.

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